The Hour of the Earth !

A global event organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature, Earth Hour is an event on the last Saturday of March annually, requesting businesses and households to switch off their non-essential lights for one hour. This is aimed at raising the awareness of humanity towards the need to take action on Climate Change.

The first Earth Hour event was in Sydney in 2007, when 2.2 million residents of Sydney participated by turning off all non-essential lights. Following the lead by Sydney many cities followed suit and now the Earth Hour is a global event.

The Earth Hour 2011 will take place on March 26,2011, at 0830 to 0930 PM, at participant’s respective local time. The supporters of the E H include Bishop Desmond Tutu, Helen Clark, the Irish Rock band the Cranberries, the Mayor of London Borin Johnson, NFL Football player Tom Brady and other celebrities.

The United Religions Initiative

The United Religions Initiative is an effort to integrate all religions. All the great Religions of yore Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism etc should be integrated, as all are brethren, and all religions are nothing but different radii of the same Eternal Circle, with the Absolute Self as the Center.

Maurice Strong and Gorbachev, founders of the Green Cross International, pushed for this U R I in the Earth Charter. The Green Cross Earth Charter Philosophy views & highlights the protection of the Biosphere, as the Common Interest of Humanity, as top priority.

Great men are always integrators. The Knights Templars of yore tried to integrate Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Syncretism or Ecumenism is the essence of Masonic and Indian Philosophy. Sarva Dharma Samabhava ( seeing all Religions as equal ) is the culture of India !

U R I – Philosophic implications

In Sanskrit the word Jnani for Philosopher has deep philosophic meaning. Jnan means ” me ” and Ni means ” you “. So Jnani means “I am you” or ” You are I”. The same constituents which comprise my body comprise yours. The Self is the same. So you and I are the same and the man who knows this mystic principle is considered as a Jnani.

When it comes to human relations, we should look upon others as ourselves.

Isnt my son me ? He is me in another aspect ! Isnt my brother me? He is me in another aspect. By applying this principle to the entire humanity, we can save the world from its iniquity !

In Bridal Mysticism

YOU in Bridal Mysticism is He. ” I am You” means in B M – I and my Father are One !

Mansur Al Hallaj, the mystic said

I met the lord of my Heart and asked Him ” Who are you? “.He replied ” I am You ” !

I thought of Thee always
Till I became Thee
Swiftly Thou drew near
And I merged into Thee !

Whatever we see is His gross Universal Aspect, His Visva Virat Swaroopa. Everything is He !

There is only one difference between Thee and me
If I erase me, what remains is Thee !
Isnt that what I want?
(Dissolution of my Ego ?)

Return to Nature !

Returning to the Wisdom of Nature is what is meant by the Earth Charter and the Ark of the Gaia Covenant.

“Do not do unto the environment of others what you do not want done to your environment… My hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a “Sermon on the Mount”, that provides a guide for human behaviour toward the environment towards the next century”. said Gorbachev. The Earth Charter should become like the Ten Commandments and the 16 principles are more or less the 16 Commandments of Gaia !

Let us return to Nature and her Wisdom. According to Satish Kumar, contemporary thinkers of the Green Movement are collectively developing an ecological world-view. Or in other words, Deep Ecology has become the priority in the minds of the thinking class.

The earlier “pagan” festivals worshipped the Sun’s entries into the constellations. The Sun’s entry into Capricornus was celebrated in India as Pongal. This is the beginning of Uttarayana, the northern transit of the Sun. At this point on Dec 21, the Sun’s gross RA (Right Ascension) will be 270 degrees and his declination -23 degrees and 27 minutes. That was the end of Daskhinayana, or the Southern Transit of the Sun. The Sun’s entry into the Vernal Equinox was celebrated as Vishu, the beginning of the Indian Year. At that point Sun’s gross RA will be zero and his declination zero ! Also the Sun’e entry into the Summer Solstice, Karkyadi, was celebrated as the Ramayana month. His declination will be +23 degrees 27 minutes and his gross RA will be 90 degrees ! His entry into the Autumnal Equinox, Thuladi, was also celebrated. It marks the beginning of the Thula Varsha, the North East Monsoon. His gross RA will be 180 degrees and his declination 0 degrees ! The word Equinox is derived from Latin Equi Noctis, when night and day are of equal duration ( at Equinoxes ) and Sun’s declination will be Zero degrees !

The Cross of the Zodiac refers to the Four Major Cardinal Points of the Sun – his gross Right Ascension at 0 degrees ( Meshadi ), at 90 degrees ( Karkyadi ), at 180 degrees ( Thuladi ) and at 270 degrees ( Makaradi ) !

The musician Paul Winter peformed concerts at the Cathedral of St John the Divine in New York City, on the days of Equinoxes and Solstices. One of these concerts was for an annual Earth Mass, on Oct 7th. Oct 7th happens to be the Hindu holy day of Dussera, when the Universal Life Energy, the Universal Mother, is worshipped in India.

The Gregorian Calender may be more popular than the Astro Calender, but knowers of Astronomy and Astrology know which one is better !

Let us move from an anthropocentric theological world-view to a biocentric cosmic humanistic world-view !

The 16 principles of the Earth Charter

It is our divine duty to protect Mother Earth’s diversity, beauty and vitality and this duty is highlighted in the 16 principles of the Earth Charter.

1) Respect Earth and Life in all its diversity.

2) Care for the community of Life with compassion, understanding and love

3) Build just democratic societies that are peaceful, participatory and sustainable.

4) Secure Earth’s beauty and bounty for posterity.

5) Protect and restore the integrity of Earth’s ecosystems, highlighting biodiversity and nature life sustaining processes.

6) Prevent harm to the environment.

7) Adopt patterns of production, consumption and reproduction that safeguard Earth’s regenerative capacities, human rights and community well being.

8) Advance the study of eco sustainability and promote eco knowledge.

9) Eradicate poverty ( Poverty is sin – Shaw )

10) Ensure that economic activities and institutions at all levels, promote human development in a sustainable and in an equitable manner.

11) Affirm gender equality and equity as prerequisites to sustainable development and ensure universal access to education, health care and economic opportunity.

12) Uphold the rights of all, without discrimination, to a natural and social environment supportive of human dignity, bodily health and spiritual well being, with special attention to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities.

13) Strengthen the democratic institutions at all levels, and provide transparency and accountability, in governance, inclusive participation in decision making, and access to justice.

14) Integrate into formal education and life long learning the knowledge, values and skills needed for life sustainable.

15) Treat all with respect and consideration.

16) Promote a culture of Nonviolence, tolerance and peace.

Look at the 16th principle and you will find that it is nothing but Indian Culture in toto. The ancients said Dasa Putro Sama Druma ( one tree is equal to ten sons ). To counter Deforestation and Desertification, Reforestation is the answer.

Love cognised is Truth
Love in action is Non Violence
Love as feeling is Peace !

Tolerance is one of the best qualities in man. The true mystic is he who tolerates both enemy and friend !

We have two duties – duty unto Caesar ( worldly duty ) and duty unto God ( divine duty ). While one should work and support one’s family, one should also devote one’s time to Nature ! Protecting Gaia is our duty. She gave birth to us.

You can read about the Earth Charter Initiative here.

We are standing at a critical time in the history of our beloved Earth, as many eco problems have arisen. There are depleting water levels, pollution, overpopulation, resource depletion, desertification etc. It is upto us to protect Gaia. Otherwise we are doomed.

The Green Movement, undoubtedly the largest social movement of all time, is transforming the world. People have become more eco conscious. All nations of the world should renew their allegiance to the United Nations, fulfill their obligations and implement the Earth Charter. Then only can the Earth be redeemed !

Antares, the rival of Mars !

What is Mars called in Indian Astronomy? He is Angaraka, the fiery planet. He has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, Dhooma and Mrityu. He is the Defence Minister in the Government of the Almighty and represents Administration. If he be badly placed in the horoscope, the native will lack administrative ability. If he be dominant on the Meridien, the horoscope becomes powerful. ( Dasame Angarako Nasthi Jathake kim prayojanam ? ) Galactic Center in Sag is known in Indian Astronomy as Vishnu Nabhi.

Have you heard about Anti- Mars ? He is called Antares, the rival of Mars. Ancient astronomers were struck by the reddish hue of this star as it reminded them of the Red planet ! Antares is the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius and is a great sight to behold.

There is a photo of these two red giants at Planet Antares. Lovely to behold, Mars appears about 25 degrees above the horizon for north latitudes with Antares just below and to the left.

Antares is a star and is 700 times large, 9000 times more luminous and about 15 times more massive than the Sun. This close approach of Antares and Mars is a tremedous opportunity for star gazers, the twinkling star and non twinkling planet !

You can also watch Mars and Spica, with Spica twinkling and Mars not twinkling at Planet Antares Inc.

Actually, stars do not twinkle. Seen from Earth, they appear as twinkling. The beam of starlight is disturbed by the tiny irregularities in temperature and pressure in the air above us and this is what makes stars ” twinkle”. Scorpius and Sagittarius can be seen in these photographs. The pearly white glow of the Milky Way can be observed. Also our Galactic Center in Sagittarius

Regarding the colours of the planets, Hora says

Sun is of golden, reddish hue
Luna is the planet fair !
Dark reddish is Mars
Greenish is Mercury
Jupiter is of golden hue
Venus is white
And black is Saturn !

Raktha Shyama Bhaskaro Gaura Indu
Nathyulchango Raktha gorascha Vakra
Durve Shyame Jne, Guru Gauragatra
Shyama Shukro, Bhaskari Krishna Dehi

The largest Social Movement of all time !

The Green Movement is considered to be the most influential social phenomenon in history.

Now humanity has recognised that the greatest enemy of humanity is Man himself, the human negative aspect. Who is our real enemy ? Global Warming, water shortages, resource depletion, pollution & overpopulation – dangers caused by human intervention ! We are the masters of our own Fate ! We have to change our attitudes and have more respect for Almighty Nature and her workings. After all, she gave birth to mankind and is protecting us. Our behaviour towards Nature must change. Remember what Shaw said ” God created a perfect Heaven and it is only man’s foolishness which prevents us from making it a Paradise “.

We extoll democracy, but believe in the dictatorship of the Ego ! We talk socialism but are capitalistic minded. We talk about environmental awareness but go on destroying ecosystems, flora and fauna. In us, there is inner war, between our positive and negative aspects.

The Environment Movement has been defined as the First Global Revolution. It was in relative obscurity a decade ago. Now it has blossomed into a great movement, spawning thousands of organisations and has millions of activists.

If we adopt a one child policy for the next two generations, population can be controlled. If we go on at this rate ( in resource depletion, population growth, mass urbanisation, industrialisation, pollution and food production ), there will be limits to growth. We have to alter these growth trends and establish a condition of ecological and economic stability, to save our planet ! Will we wake up to the call of Gaia ?

Computation of the great Jupiter-Saturn perturbation !

In Indian Astronomy, the great Jupiter – Saturn perturbation, is calculated using the formula given below.

The Kali year, ky, is calculated and 4660 is deducted from it to get the kyb, the kali year balance. Its Bhujamsa,x is calculated using the Equation of Bhuja and then its Bhujajya ( Sin x ) is calculated to get the value of Manda Phala, a.

Mathematically, it can be written as

Y, (Year of Birth) + 3102 = ky, the Kali Year of Birth

kyb ( kali year balance ) = ( ky – 4660 )

x = kyb*360/918

b, bhujajya = sin(x)

Since the duration is 918 years and perturbation amplitude is 1187 seconds,

Manda Phala, a = sin(x) * 1187

( Example – My year of birth is 1955. Add 3102 and we get 5057. Less 4660 is 397. 397*360/918 is 155.6 and its Bhujamsa is 25 degrees roughly ( 180-155). So Sin (25 ) is 0.41. Manda Phala, therefore is 0.41*1187 seconds or Vikalas. )

This value, Manda Phala, a is added to Jupiter’s mean longitude, if Jove’s long is less than 180 and subtracted if Jove’s long is greater than 180.

In the West, this discovery is attributed to Laplace. The duration of the perturbation of 918 years is known as Laplace period. Its amplitude of .332 degrees is similar to the Indian value of 1187 seconds.

Laplace gives the equation 2 nj – 5 ns, bringing to light the 5:2 Resonance in the orbits of the two celestial giants. 2 revolutions of Saturn = 5 revolutions of Jupiter = 60 years !

Calculation of Kali Days

Ahargana is defined as the no of days elapsed after the start of the Iron Age, the Kali Yuga, which began on 3102 BC.

Kali Era = English Era +3102

The no of days elapsed from Kali Start was 1822903 on 01/01/1890.


Ahargana, d = ( xdate – 01/01/1980 ) + 1822903
where xdate is the date of birth.

This Ahargana is printed on every V A Horoscope. All calculations in Indian Astronomy is based on Ahargana. Ahas means day in Sanskrit and gana means calculation.

The present Kali Era is therefore
3102 + 2010 = 5112

The difference between the Malayalam & English eras are 825. Malayalam Era is 1185 now and if you add 825 to Malayalam Era, you get English Era.

The Julian Calender used the value 365.25 d ( days ) for year and was proved erroneous. There were 10 days difference and the Gregorian Calender, the present day Calender, came into being. Gregorian uses 365.2425 d for year. The Gregorian is also not perfect, as the Tropical Zodiac is moving, and may be subject to correction after some years. The actual value of the year is

year = 365.256362424815 d

with twelve decimals. In my early days of progam development, I used two decimals and there were many days of difference. This value is given by Sir Simon Newcombe, according to Western Learning and Aryabhata, according to Indian learning.

Computation of Ahargana

Ahargana is defined as the no of days elapsed after the start of the Iron Age, the Kali Yuga, which began on 3102 BC.

Kali Era = English Era +3102

The no of days elapsed from Kali Start was 1822903 on 01/01/1890.


Ahargana = ( xdate – 01/01/1980 ) + 1822903

where xdate is the date of birth.

This Ahargana is printed on every V A Horoscope. All calculations in Indian Astronomy is based on Ahargana. Ahas means day in Sanskrit and gana means calculation.

The present Kali Era is therefore

3102 + 2010 = 5112

The difference between the Malayalam & English eras are 825. Malayalam Era is 1185 now and if you add 825 to Malayalam Era, you get English Era.

The Equation of Bhuja

Bhujamsa is the degrees traversed by the planet in the Zodiac. In the mighty 360 degree Circle, the planet may be anywhere and its position is the mean longitude of the planet. The planet actually is in the ellipse and its position is the true longitude of the planet.

If the planet is say at 42 degrees, then the Equation of Bhuja states that its Bhujamsa is 42 degrees. That is in the first Oja Pada, in the first quarter of 0-90 degrees, the Bhujamsa is the same.

If the planet is say at 110 degrees, then the Equation of Bhuja states that its Bhujamsa is 70 degrees. That is in the first Yugma Pada, in the second quarter of 90-180 degrees, the Bhujamsa is 180 – bhuja.

If the planet is say at 200 degrees, then the Equation of Bhuja states that its Bhujamsa is 20 degrees. That is in the second Oja Pada, in the third quarter of 180-270 degrees, the Bhujamsa is bhuja – 180.

If the planet is say at 300 degrees, then the Equation of Bhuja states that its Bhujamsa is 60 degrees. That is in the second Yugma Pada, in the fourth quarter of 270-360 degrees, the Bhujamsa is 360 – bhuja.

Bhuja Jya is Sin ( M ) and is the sine value of the Kendra. Bhuja Jya is used in the calculation of Epicycles, in calculating the Equation of Center for Moon, Jupiter and Saturn.

The Manda Phala, the Equation of Center is given by the formula

Equation of Center, Mandaphala =Circumference of the Epicycle ( Parama Phala ) * Manda Kendra Jya ( Sin M ).

This is the equation used in calculating the 14 perturbations of the Moon, the five of Jupiter and the six of Saturn.