Continually Create Content Without Kicking Your Butt

Author: Mark McGimpsey
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Continually Create Content Without Kicking Your Butt

If you are one of those people who feel trying to write an
article is worse than a kick in the butt, then these simple
tips may save you a pain in the ass.

'Starburst' your core topic by using a keyword checker to
suggest areas of interest.  Also just sit for a few minutes
and jot down ideas as they come to mind.  For example,
'Horse'.  What do I like / dislike about horse racing,
horse racing meetings, famous jockeys, horse racing tips,
horse racing betting, horse racing results, online horse
racing, horse racing courses, horse racing training, horse
race training techniques..

Try to imagine what answers your readers need solved in
your area of choice.  You can get a quick idea of this by
dropping into some forums and see what questions are being
asked, and what areas have a problem to be solved.

Once you have this done, take a break and relax for a
while.  Go get a cup of your favourite beverage, and then
when you are ready come back and start answering your
questions and expanding on the ideas that you have written
down.  A great help at this stage is just to make rough
notes, keywords if you like to remind you of your train of
thought as you address the items.  You could even use
speech to text software or a PDA digital recorder at this

Next, you have a choice at this stage.  You can either move
on immediately, or you can put this worksheet to one side
to use later, and perhaps go on a make another worksheet on
another article topic.

The reason for this suggestion is that Article Directories
are not keen on an author submitting more than two articles
a week, as this allows everyone to get their fair share of
submissions in and 'approved' without too much delay.  In
fact some of the top Internet Marketers only submit on
average two articles in a month.  Taking this approach will
always give you a few ideas in store, so when you do sit
down to actually write your article; the most difficult
part is done.  Sometimes you will find that you will be
able to create two articles from the one worksheet.

When you come to actually write it, do so in a natural
manner just as if you were talking to someone in front of
you and advising them how to proceed in a step by step
manner.  Use interesting and lively language where
possible, especially in the first paragraph which is
sometimes picked up by RSS feeds and included with the
title on the publishing site.  Get keywords in there if you
can, (though your lively introduction may not always allow
you to make the best use of keywords).

Finally finish the article with a summary, or some words of
wisdom and encouragement where possible, and check that you
have at least 400 words written, (the minimum for most

It has been said that 'Failing to plan is planning to
fail', but with a little planning writing an article
doesn't have to be the mountain it appears to be.  I think
it was Socrates who said that, "Action equals knowledge."
Don't major on the minors, just make a start.  You'll
arrive at the finish before you know it.

About the Author:

Article By Mark McGimpsey

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