01/05/24 JUPITERIAN TRANSIT Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hierarchy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial dimension comes within his domain. He is so voluminous that 1300 Earths can be fit into Jupiter ! It is said that the Emperor envied the Miller, because the Miller was happy ( while the Emperor was not ) so also Jupiter gives Supreme Happiness or LIberation, Deveyo Jnana Sukhado. He can bestow transcendental Knowledge, Prajnam Gurur Gauravam ! ?"

" Benign Jupiter generates a prosperous period.You will be a leader in social circles and your abilities are respected. Improvement in fincancial position and status. You develop more contacts and friendships. Your mind becomes alert. Your eloquence is accepted Your sense of importance increases as you are recognised socially 13/12/23 ................ 01/05/24 ?"

" Adverse Jupiter causes loss of position and meaningless journeys and wanderings. Health gets affectd. You may meet with obstacles and hindrances on the path. This period is detrimental to health and wealth. You may have to move away from home. Misunderstandings with wife and children likely. 01/05/24 ............... 14/05/25



" Venus stays in a sign for one month. He represents Poetics, Aesthetics and Rhetoric - Kavya Komala Vagvilasam athulam, All sorts of Bhoga or sensory enjoyments, and women are signified by him, In striking contrast to Jupiter, who represents all divine sciences and arts, Venus represents the mundane sciences and arts. Wealth, Wine and Women, are ruled by him, Bhoga Kalatra Karako Shukra. Alcoholism will be on the rise, during his periods of influence, directional or transit. The fair planet that hearteneth to Love , said Dante about this Planet of Love. Romance blossoms and you may spend more time with social gatherings. Misunderstandings with women likely.  Since he represents the Libido of the Cosmic, Man he can affect the psyche of the native very much and give terrestrial bliss. ?"

" ?"

" As Transit Venus is in the 2nd lucky breaks can grace you- Vithasiddhim. ?"

" 13/12/23 ................. 25/12/23 ?"

" As Transit Venus is in the 3rd House - along with some struggle there may b progress- vibhootim ?"

" 25/12/23 ................ 18/01/24 ?"

" As Transit Venus is in the 4th House lucky breaks can visit you and your friends. ?"

" 18/01/24 ............... 11/02/24 ?"

" As Transit Venus is in the 8th House you will be blessed by lucky breaks- Sampadam. 11/02/24 ................ 31/03/24 ?"

" As Transit Venus is in the 9th House you will have immense Sensory pleasures -sthree sukhaptim 31/03/24 ................ 24/04/24 ?"

" As Transit Venus tenants the 10th House you will have misunderstandings or quarrels. Only Intellectual Love can resolve misunderstandings. 24/04/24 ................ 19/05/24 ?"

" As Transit Venus is in the 11th House you will have income from many sources. 19/05/24 ................ 12/06/24 ?"

" As Transit Venus tenants your 12th House-- lucky breaks can grace you. 12/06/24 ................ 06/07/24 ?"

" As Transit Venus is in Janma immense sensory pleasures indicated- Akhila Vishya Bhogam. ?"

" 06/07/24 ................ 31/07/24 ?"

" As Transit Venus is in the 2nd lucky breaks can grace you- Vithasiddhim. ?"

" 31/07/24 ................ 24/08/24 ?"

" As Transit Venus tenants your 6th House you will be afflicted with crises galore. ?"

" Solution - Indulge in Bhakti and jnana yogas. ?"

" 24/08/24 ................ / / 01/05/24 SOLAR TRANSIT Sun stays in a sign for one month. Sun is the most powerful luminary in terms of natural or intrinsic strength. Hence his transit influence is indeed very important. Since he repre- sents the Soul of the Cosmic Man he can affect the psyche of the native very much. His favourable transits are a blessing while his adverse postures are dreaded. You have to take precautions to avoid disease connected with the eyes. Even though prosperity is indicated losses started earlier may continue for some more time. But these losses appear to have a less damaging effect. Financial problems have to be tackled as a senior member of your family. 13/12/23 ................. 16/12/23 This marks the entry of a prosperous and auspicious period. Gains economic promotion in job and all round happiness are about to take place. Your entire mind is now tuned to success.You have to pitch it strong and spare no efforts to succeed. Remember success often comes to those who dare and act. It seldom goes to the timid. 16/12/23 ................ 16/01/24 Unfavourable Sun creates general unhappiness. Delays and postpone- ment in many undertakings ailments physical and mental are likely Loss of respect. Domestic happiness takes a beating. You tend to quarrel with those whom you love. Taking preventive measures in time and exercising prudence and restraint are prophylactic indeed. 16/01/24 ............... 16/02/24 Unless maximum care is exercised you may have to face poverty economic loss and bad health. Enemies find it easy to attack you. A gloomy period for you as Sun takes an adverse stance. Children pose problems. Worries on account of children. 16/02/24 ................ 16/03/24 Benign Sun marks the beginning of a prosperous period. As a man of indomitable will-power and savoir-faire your main aim now to conquer your enemies and solving the problems that vex the psyche Increase in general happiness. Success in all undertakings guara- nteed. General living conditions improve. 16/03/24 ................ 16/04/24 Sudden changes and frequent travel indicated. You have to be very careful about health. Better go for a medical checkup. Economic problems also have to be faced. Enemies also create problems as your meteoric rise arouses jealousy. Health problems appear to you as insignificant but it is in your interest to solve them. 16/04/24 ................ 16/05/24 Very adverse Sun creates phobia or fear. Unnecessary wanderings and meaningless journeys. Factors detrimental to your health dev- elop. Expenditure rises & expenses spiral. Misunderstandings with wife indicated. Sickness particularly in the stomach. You have to have immense courage to deal with this situation. 16/05/24 ................ 16/06/24 Worries and dejection raise their ugly head again. Evil acts should be eschewed. Sinful actions always demand wages from us If you do not heed this counsel loss of masculine lustre and reputation will result. Turning to God is the only remedy. 16/06/24 ................ 16/07/24 Prosperity dawns and you are back into an auspicious period. Success comes to you automatically. Wife inspires you and compen- sates for your melancholic temparament. Improvement in all fields can be expected. Connected happiness in the family. You will gain important contacts. 16/07/24 ................ 16/08/24 Health improves and so does wealth. Economic gains likely. You may experience monetary windfall through lottery stock exchange & jackpot. Elder brothers and sisters become favourable. You gain a lot of good friends. They come to your help. This period is very beneficial monetarily. 16/08/24 ................ 16/09/24 Very malefic Sun creates ill-health and dissipation of wealth. Worries increase and you become a melancholic in temparament. You may have to undertake journeys much against your wish. Anger rises and self-control becomes well nigh impossible. It is better if you keep your coolness and sang-froid amidst adversity.


" ?"

" MARTIAN TRANSIT  MARS stays in a sign for one AND A half month. Mars is the most powerful malefic in terms of natural/or intrinsic strength. Hence his transit influence is indeed very important. Since he represents the Physique of the Cosmic Man, Sports, Real Estate et al, he can affect the physique of the native very much. A powerful Mars was there In the horoscopes of Gavaskar and Tendulkar, And almost all the successful, Who grace the Cricketing World.  Real Estate stocks are signified, By this Martial Commander , All Martial Arts, Also Administrative Fire !   ?"

" As Transit Mars is in the 2nd your wealth may be taxed by the government. You will have excess wealth and will be an expert in businessmanagement. Your shrew dness will bring home the bacon. On the negative side you may be afflicted by diseases on the face. 13/12/23 ................. 27/12/23 ?"

" As Transit Mars is in the 3rd -House there can be profes ssional rise- Sthna Maaaaadi Labham. You become the cynosure of all eyes and your talents are accepted. 27/12/23 ................ 05/02/24 ?"

" As Transit Mars is in the 4th -House you will be afflicted by many problems which affect your mental peace. You may not enjoy maternal property. 4th Transit Mars is a hindrance to mental peace and happiness. Mental peace takes a beating as many domestic problems crop up. 05/02/24 .............. 15/03/24 ?"

" As Transit Mars tenants your 5th -House relationships with children may be affected. Happiness from children may be affected by 5th Transit Many hindrances in the path of life indicated as the 5th is one of the moral triangles. 15/03/24 ................ 23/04/24 ?"

" As Transit Mars is in the 6th -House there can be profes ssional rise Sthana Manadi Labham. You become the cynosure of all eyes and your talents are accepted. 23/04/24 ................ 01/06/24 ?"

" As Transit Mars is in the 7th -House you will be insulted by members of the opposite sex. Misunderstandings and quarrels surface. You will be plagued by quarrels and worried about your approach to partner. 01/06/24 ................ 03/07/24 ?"

" As Transit Mars is in 8th -House you will be subject to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a ten headed Hydrra. This transit is detrimental to both healh and wealth. There may be Sthana Bhramsam and general dissipation of wealth Kurvanti Prana Sandeham Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam. 03/07/24 ................ 26/08/24 ?"

" As Transit Mars is in the 9th -House you may lack happiness from father. Wealth you will have in a moderate way. You will enjoy all the comforts of life. You may be afflicted by many hindrances on the path as the 9th is a moral triangle. 26/08/24 ................ 20/10/24 ?"

" As Transit Mars tenants the 10th -House you will have wealth of no mean order Mars in the Dasama -House makes you learned in the scriptures & endows chivalry and valour. You become an expert in the science of politics as the Transit is a political planet. 20/10/24 ................ 01/01/25 ?"

" As Transit Mars is in the 11th -House there can be profes ssional rise- Sthana Manadi Labham. You become th cynosure of all eyes and your talents are accepted. 01/01/25 ................ / / ?"

" As Transit Mars is in 12 H you will be subject to dire vicissitudes- as problems haunt you like a ten headed Hydra. This transit is detrimental to both healh and wealth there may be Sthana Bhramsam and general dissipation of wealth Kurvanti Prana Sandeham Sthana Bhramsam Dhanakshyam.