11/05/2024 Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier- archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial dimension comes within his domain. Jupiter turns benign and promotional prospects loom large. Progeny gives happziness. Mental peace dawns after a long time. Jewellery will be acquired by your wife. You also get an oppzortunity to acquire clothes and suite to satisfy the sartorial prejudices of society. 11/05/2024 .............. 14/05/2025 Unhappzy you will be as the planet of Wealth transits the adverse 6th. Despite your having all conveniences you lack happziness. You are confronted by enemies who plot and conspire against you. Mental peace takes a beating. The remedy is to turn to prayer and meditation to achieve peace of mind and tranquillity. 14/05/2025 .............. 16/03/2003 11/05/2024 Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and significant from the perspective of fortune. You have crossed the worst part of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). But general unhappiness and a sorrowful mood may prevail. However there may be bright moments which will cheer up your male ego. Do not allow small disagreements with wife to end up in quarrels. Guard your wealth and self respect carefully. 11/05/2024 SOLAR TRANSIT Sun stays in a sign for one month. Sun is the most powerful luminary in terms of natural or intrinsic strength. Hence his transit influence is indeed very important. Since he repre- sents the Soul of the Cosmic Man he can affect the psyche of the native very much. His favourable transits are a blessing while his adverse postures are dreaded. Unfavourable Sun creates general unhappiness. Delays and postpone- ment in many undertakings ailments physical and mental are likely Loss of respect. Domestic happiness takes a beating. You tend to quarrel with those whom you love. Taking preventive measures in time and exercising prudence and restraint are prophylactic indeed. 11/05/2024 ............... 16/05/2024 Unless maximum care is exercised you may have to face poverty economic loss and bad health. Enemies find it easy to attack you. A gloomy period for you as Sun takes an adverse stance. Children pose problems. Worries on account of children. 16/05/2024 ................ 16/06/2024 Benign Sun marks the beginning of a prosperous period. As a man of indomitable will-power and savoir-faire your main aim now to conquer your enemies and solving the problems that vex the psyche Increase in general happiness. Success in all undertakings guara- nteed. General living conditions improve. 16/06/2024 ............... 16/07/2024 Sudden changes and frequent travel indicated. You have to be very careful about health. Better go for a medical checkup. Economic problems also have to be faced. Enemies also create problems as your meteoric rise arouses jealousy. Health problems appear to you as insignificant but it is in your interest to solve them. 16/07/2024 ................ 16/08/2024 Very adverse Sun creates phobia or fear. Unnecessary wanderings and meaningless journeys. Factors detrimental to your health dev- elop. Expenditure rises & expenses spiral. Misunderstandings with wife indicated. Sickness particularly in the stomach. You have to have immense courage to deal with this situation. 16/08/2024 ................ 16/09/2024 Worries and dejection raise their ugly head again. Evil acts should be eschewed. Sinful actions always demand wages from us If you do not heed this counsel loss of masculine lustre and reputation will result. Turning to God is the only remedy. 16/09/2024 ................ 16/10/2024 Prosperity dawns and you are back into an auspicious period. Success comes to you automatically. Wife inspires you and compen- sates for your melancholic temparament. Improvement in all fields can be expected. Connected happiness in the family. You will gain important contacts. 16/10/2024 ................ 16/11/2024 Health improves and so does wealth. Economic gains likely. You may experience monetary windfall through lottery stock exchange & jackpot. Elder brothers and sisters become favourable. You gain a lot of good friends. They come to your help. This period is very beneficial monetarily. 16/11/2024 ................ 16/12/2024 Very malefic Sun creates ill-health and dissipation of wealth. Worries increase and you become a melancholic in temparament. You may have to undertake journeys much against your wish. Anger rises and self-control becomes well nigh impossible. It is better if you keep your coolness and sang-froid amidst adversity. ?tno wait wind VENUSIAN TRANSIT VEN stays in a sign for one month. Sun is the most powerful luminary in terms of natural or intrinsic strength. Hence his transit influence is indeed very important. Since he repre- sents the Soul of the Cosmic Man he can affect the psyche of the native very much. His favourable transits are a blessing while his adverse postures are dreaded. As Transit Venus is in the 11th House you will have income from many sources. 11/05/2024 ................. 19/05/2024 As Transit Venus tenants your 12th House-- lucky breaks can grace you. 19/05/2024 ................. 12/06/2024 As Transit Venus is in Janma immense sensory pleasures indicated- Akhila Vishya Bhogam. 12/06/2024 ................ 06/07/2024 As Transit Venus is in the 2nd lucky breaks can grace you- Vithasiddhim. 06/07/2024 ................ 31/07/2024 As Transit Venus is in the 3rd House - along with some struggle there may b progress- vibhootim 3 31/07/2024 ................ 24/08/2024 As Transit Venus is in the 4th House lucky breaks can visit you and your friends. 24/08/2024 ................ / / As Transit Venus tenants your 5th House auspicous events in the making and happiness via children - Putra Labdim. / / ................ / / As Transit Venus tenants your 6th House you will be afflicted with crises galore. Solution - Indulge in Bhakti and jnana yogas. / / ................ / / As Transit Venus is in the 7th House you should be careful about your approach to partner and people belonging to the opposite sex.There may be misunderstandings and rifts wihin the lute- Yuvati Jnita Badhaam / / ................ / / As Transit Venus is in the 8th House you will be blessed by lucky breaks- Sampadam. / / ................ / / As Transit Venus is in the 9th House you will have immense Sensory pleasures -sthree sukhaptim / / ................ / / MERCURIAN TRANSIT MER stays in a sign for one month. Sun is the most powerful luminary in terms of natural or intrinsic strength. Hence his transit influence is indeed very important. Since he repre- sents the Soul of the Cosmic Man he can affect the psyche of the native very much. His favourable transits are a blessing while his adverse postures are dreaded. As Mercury is in your 7th House you will be known for your jovial qualities. You will be versatile and knower of many subjects. Educational attainements will not be of mean order. 11/05/2024 ................. 29/05/2024 As Mercury is in your 8th House you will be truly versatile and reputed for your excellent qualities. Your knowledge and enviable qualities will get the praise of many. 29/05/2024 ................. 31/05/2024 As Mercury is posited in your 9th House you will have sons wealth and all sorts of comforts. You will be charitable and religious. Educational attainments will be of the highest standard. 31/05/2024 ................ 14/06/2024 As Mercury is in your 10th House you can rise to be a lect- urer or professor or a big businessman. Mercury's influence on the Dasama House tends one to the scholastic profession. Excellence in the academic field. 14/06/2024 ................ 29/06/2024 As Mercury is in your 11th House you will have exceptional gains. Mercury tenanting the sarvabhistasthana is excellent for Labha or gain. Gains due to publishing books and period- icals literature poetry and art. 29/06/2024 ................ / / As Mercury is in your 12th House you may change profession. You may have to move away from your chosen karma or profession. 12th Mercury can bestow immense educational attainments. / / ................ / / As Mercury tenants your Janma House you will be considered scholarly & jovial. Academic learning is the prerogative of Mercury. There will be academic distinctions and excellence in many fields. / / ................ / / As Mercury tenants your 2nd House you will be wealthy and endowed with education. Family life will be happy and healthy. Mercury endows you with entreprenauership & oratorial ability. / / ................ / / As Mercury is in the 3rd House your relationships with the younger co-borns should be cared for. You will be known for your valour and chivalry. / / ................ / / As Mercury is in the 4th House you will attain a high position in life. You will enjoy all the comforts of life. A benefic posited in the 4th is a sarvaristabhanga yoga ensuring longevity. Educational attainments will come to you automatically. / / ................ / / As Mercury is in your 5th House you will attain a high position on the socio-economic level.You will have children who will rise upto your expectations. / / ................ / / MARTIAN TRANSIT MARS stays in a sign for one AND A half month. Mars is the most powerful malefic in terms of natural/or intrinsic strength. Hence his transit influence is indeed very important. Since he repre- sents the Physique of the Cosmic Man he can affect the physique of the native very much. His favourable transits are a blessing while his adverse postures are dreaded.