Millionaires do not use Astrology ; billionaires do    - J P Morgan 


            Aries ( Mesha )                 Taurus ( Vrishabha )            Gemini(Midhuna) 
         Cancer    ( Kataka )                     Leo ( Simha )              Virgo ( Kanya ) 
           Libra     (Thula )                Scorpio ( Vrischika)           Sagittarius (Dhanus )
       Capricorn ( Makara)                       Aquarius ( Kumbha )               Pisces ( Meena ) 




Please click on your Sidereal Moon Sign & know what this month holds for you.  

Planet                  Hr        Mn
Mars 1 18 5
Sun 2 19 5
VeVedsnus 3 20 5
Mercury 4 21 5
Moon 5 22 5
Saturn 6 23 5
Jupiter 1 18 5
Mars 2 19 5
Saturn 3 20 5
Mars 4 21 5  




Moon 5 22 5  




6 23 5  




North 7 24 5  




More comprehensive reports are available at                                                                                                           

Moon Sign - Otherwise known as the Lunar Ascendant, this Sign is the Sign where the Moon is posited in  your sidereal horoscope.( If you dont know your Moon Sign, please submit your time, place and date of birth at  and know ). Email to

In the Transit Report you may find contradictory results but you have to understand that transit of some planets are positive and some negative. You will be experiencing both  positive and  negative effects, as Life is a commingling of the positive and the negative. As Hegel pointed out "Truth, like the atom, is the organic Unity of opposed parts"!




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