
Business Process Outsourcing               By


BPO [Business Process Outsourcing] is the latest mantra in India now, as sofware companies try to earn more revenue and BPO is one of their priorities. Now the BPO space is attacked by IT Services companies with their existing clientele. 

While setting a Call Center is expensive, a normal BPO Center which takes care of pure back office operations is not. 

As the rupee is 40 to the dollar, MNCs gain a lot outsourcing from India. India provides low cost high calibre IT professionals. India's programming expertise and webexpertise can be made use of by MNCs. MNCs are moving their non-core business procedures to outsource providers. BPO saves precious management time, allowing foucs upon core competencies. The list of functions outsourced from India is increasing. Apart from Call Centers, those outsourced include order entry, billing and collection, cash & investment management, human resources administration, purchasing and disbursement, intenal audit, tax compliance, payroll etc and the list increases day by day. As more companies try to woo customers, BPO saves times and generates profits.  

A customer calls the Call Center and the operator accesses the database and answers his queries. Sales support, hotel/airline reservations, bank accounts, technical queries, client services, receivables, telemarketing and market research are all addressed by Call Centers 

If a bank shifts the work of 100 people to India, it saves $18 million per year due to the prevailing lower costs in India. A Mckinsey report states that US pharma caompanies save &700 million if development & research work is outsourced to India ! 

These are the benefits of BPO 

  1. Cost savings
  2. Opportunity to focus on
  3. Productivity Improvements
  4. Access to expertise
  5. Improved accountability
  6. Improved HR
  7. Operational cost control
  8.  core business

India has the second largest scientific and technological manpower in the world and is considered to be the largest English speaking nation in the world. An obvious choice to outsource, Indian webxpertise and programming expertise is utilized by MNCs like Sun Micro, Dell, Ford, GE, LG, Oracle etc . ( They are commencing operations in India ). Several foreign airline and banks have setup business process operations in India. India's revenue from BPO has risen to $ 13 billion and employs almost 1 million people. 

Now Western Corporations have learnt to focus on core competencies and outsource the rest to Indian software companies and this method gives them precious time. Human Resources Dept, accouting dept are all outsourced. US Corporations have embraced BPO and India, with her low cost, high calibre scientific talent fits in admirably ! 



Iota Ind with 13 years experience in collaboration with Zodiac will provide Outsourcing Services


It includes


Product Engineering

Software Solutions

Software Development

Database Designing

Data Processing

Data Entry

Web Designing

Web Marketing